Monday, August 29, 2011

Thomas1 and Thomas2 Comparison!


Got the Thomas2 model all colored up...

And, as I promised, here is a comparison photo...

As you can see, there is quite a difference between the two models.

I think Thomas2 is more realistic all the while maintaining his cartoon feeling.

I guess I would say the new model is more professional. His eyelids, nose and mouth (to include teeth and tongue) are more detailed and actually part of the face, which is different from the old model as I build those out of individual sphere's. I also modeled shoe laces, which is something I painted on in the old model! His body is more rounded and not so square. I've also gave him different clothes to help him stand out from his alter ego, T-Boom.

All in all, I am very happy with this new model. I'm going to work on his hair a little more, mainly just going to make it thicker so that probably won't be all that noticeable. When that is done I will post another pic.

The end result of this little experiment is that it has convinced me I need to re-work all the old models with this new technique. I know, that is going to push my movie back quite a bit but I really don't fell like I have a choice. This new model is better and the characters deserve to be the best that I can do.

It is the best thing for the movie.

So, like I said. I'm going to tweak this new model a little more and when that is done I will start the next model!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Thomas 2 Model With Hair!

Hey guys!

Well, the Thomas2 model keeps moving forward. I've finished up the details and even added the hair!

I really like the way this model is coming along. I'll try to add color over the next couple of days and then do a side by side comparison (Thomas vs. Thomas2) to help demonstrate the differences between the two.

Until then, talk to you later...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Thomas 2 Moving Along!

Well, Thomas 2 is coming along nicely.

As you can see, this model is a little more realistic, but still looks like a cartoon. So far I am pleased, but I'm still holding off judgement until I've added color, hair and everything else so I can compare him to his old model.

I figure I'll spend another day (whenever that will be) adding a little more detail and then I'll add color. Once that is done, I'll be able to make a decision to re-do all the other models or keep the originals.

I'll keep you posted.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Thomas 2!


As promised, I said I'd update you as I work on the update to the Thomas model.

This is what I got so far...

As you can see, this looks a little less "cartoony" and a little more realistic. Like I said, I've gotten better at modeling (at least I think so, maybe you disagree...).

Anyway, I'm going to keep moving ahead with this model. Who knows. Maybe I'll decide to keep my original models. Maybe I will completely change this one. I don't know at the moment.

As always, I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Having Some Trouble...Can't Decide...

Hey guys,

So, I've been messing around with modeling a lot these last few weeks. Long story short, I'm always doing multiple projects at once. One idea leads to another and once it starts to build I have to work on it. It can be frustrating as I really don't like working on more than one thing at a time but when I get an idea I really like I have to work on it while it's hot.

That said, while working on Xam and Power Dog I've had other ideas for stories, none of them Xam and PD related, and therefore they have always been on the back burner. One of those ideas would work great in an animated medium so on a slow day I started building models for it. That lead to another idea that I thought would work great in an animated medium so on another slow day I started building models for it.

The problem now is that all this modeling has allowed me to get better at building models. So, what does that have to do with Xam and Power Dog?

Simple, I'm not sure I like these models now. There were little shortcuts I used when creating the Xam and Power Dog characters and since then have learned the proper way to deal with these problems and not rely on those shortcuts.

So, although I like the look of the characters, I can't help but feel I've created a unique look for the Xam and Power Dog world, I can't help but wonder what the characters would look like if I used my newly learned techniques for modeling.

This thought has become so distracting that I can't concentrate on completing the old models until I know if I could do them any better.

That said, I've decided to redo the T-Boom model (since I am still in the process of tweaking him) and see what that looks like. Once I've got him done I'll show him around to some people and see what they think.

I have no idea how long that will take. I suspect it will take the weekend. As always, I will let you know how that goes.