Friday, February 25, 2011

Wow! It Has Been A Long Time!

I can't believe I haven't worked on the movie in over two months. A lot has happened since my last post, but sadly, none of it has been on the movie.

Still, what is it they say? Happiness makes the heart grow fonder? Well, I can say that is true.

This time away from the movie has allowed me to get everything else in my life together and although nothing in life is ever perfect I feel things are under control enough for me to start working on this movie again!

And boy am I ready. Within the next couple of weeks I expect to be working on the models again. I still have the T-Boom model to rig and then I will try a test animation. If that goes well I will rig the Rocky model. That shouldn't take to long since, like Thomas, she is human and I should be able to use the same rigging for Thomas/T-Boom on her. Then its off to rig the animals.

Now, this doesn't mean I'll be "shooting" anytime soon. Everything mentioned above will take some time and I'll have to do several test animations with each character before I'm ready to begin "filming". Also during this time I hope to be putting together a home office that will give me the privacy I have so desperately longed for over this entire project. All in all, I'm expecting all of this to take several more months.

Still, this is several months of me actually working on this movie which is something I haven't been doing these last two months so I am pretty excited.

As always, I'll keep you posted.