Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Still Working on the Short!

Hey guys,

Not much to report really, other than the short has broken the 2 minute mark. 

The short I'm filming has only 4 scenes.  I can say that I have, for the most part, filmed scenes 1 and 3.  I did those first since both scenes use the same camera angles and required very little configuring.

Now that those are done I can start on scenes 2 and 4.  This is going to be fun because those scenes introduce Dr. Huffenagle.  Up until now, I've only been working with Jimmy and Nathan.

I'm trying to hold off on posting any more footage until the short is finished.  That means the updates won't be all that interesting and for that I am sorry.

I'm working as fast as I can so hopefully I'll have the short finished in the next three to four weeks.

I'll certainly keep you updated.


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Broke the One Minute Barrier!

Hey guys,

I know, I said I was gonna hold off on posting any more videos until I had something substantial to show.  Well, the short hit a milestone today, I surpassed one minute in lenght!

Alright, not that big of a deal since this is going to be a 5-7 minute short, but I think 63 seconds is a milestone that deserved being mentioned on the blog.

Now, this is in every sense a rough cut.  I think some of the pacing could be tightened up on some of the cuts but I figured "what the heck" and thought I'd post it anyway...

So, there you have it.  All in all, I'm pretty happy with it up to this point.  I still have a long way to go until I consider it finished (if I ever consider it finished) but I think I'm off to a pretty good start.

Talk to you later.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Still Working Hard on the Short!

Hey guys,

Don't let the lack of updates this last week fool you.  I've been working very hard on the short these last several days.  I just figured you'd all be pretty tired of seeing 3-4 seconds of additional film so I'm waiting until I get a large portion done before posting any video updates.

So, what has been taking so long?  Oddly, it's not the lip syncing.  I think I'm getting pretty good at that (you'll have to be the judge when this is done).

No, actually, what's taken up a lot of my time these last couple of days is fixing the first two clips I ever did, the ones that were way too dark.  I'm not really sure why those two small clips are being so difficult, but that is what I've been working on.

So, in the interest of at least posting something, here is a picture of me doing my seemingly 100th rendering of a 3 second clip...

Isn't that exciting!

I'll post another video sometime soon hopefully!


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Alright... Another Update to a Recently Added Video!

I hate it when this happens.

I post a video to show my progress and I realize upon replay that I missed something than needs to be corrected.

Specifically, Nathan, seen floating up and down in the first 3 seconds of the video in my previous post, isn't floating up and down in the last 10 seconds of the video.

So, I have fixed that and here is the updated video...

Alright, now back to working on the next part of the clip.


Added Nathan to the Test Video!

Hey guys,

Well, I've added another 9 seconds to the test video, specifically, Nathan answering Jimmy's question.

Now, it may not seem like I've done much, but it is a rather lengthy process making things like lip syncing and general movement to the characters.  The last 9 seconds of the clip above took me an hour of tweaking to make it look right.  Then, it took another 45 minutes to render the output and 15 minutes to edit. 

Still, I have to admit, I'm having quite a lot of fun. 

I hope it shows.

Friday, January 4, 2013

HD Version of Latest Video!

Hey guys,

I was wondering why my videos are still so small when I suddenly noticed I wasn't rendering in HD!

So, I've managed to fix that and here is an HD version of the latest video.  Of course, you'll want to make sure your settings are set to HD or you'll get just the standard version.

So, nothing really new but I thought this was still worth updating.

Talk to you all later!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Still Working On Animating the Short!

Hey guys,

It may be difficult to tell from the 4 second clip below, but I've been working really hard on animating the short these last couple of days.

As I'm new at this, the challenges I've been facing have been pretty big to me.  I'm sure seasoned vets would have all this down by now but that is the reason for doing this side project, to get better.

So, here is a new clip, complete with dialogue, the actual dialogue that will be used in the clip.  Keep in mind, I'm not a fan of my voice, but I will be doing all the voices for this short so I'll just have to get over that.

Here you go...

I know, I know, I need to start dusting off my mantle for my Oscar, but I'll probably hold off on that for now.  Besides, just being nominated is enough of an honor.

Still, this short video does have some problems and I need to determine if it's worth fixing them before I move on to the next 4 second clip.

I'll let you know what I decide.