Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Final Posting for 2014!

Hey Guys,

One last post for the year.  I've updated the blog with a holiday banner and I thought I'd add it here so you can download a copy if you want.

And may you have a Wonderful Holiday and a Happy New Year!

See you in 2015!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Thomas 4.0 Character Test!

Hey everyone,

Well, I'm gonna say I'm finished with the new Thomas model's animation test. There are a few things that could be better, but as far as a test goes, this did that. His lip sync could be better, especially in the beginning of the clip, but his speech controls work as does his rigging for his body movements. Everything, as far as that goes, looks good.

So, here is the test.  Enjoy!

And there you go.

So, now I need to build the T-Boom model, which won't take as long since he will be a modified Thomas. Still, I don't see me getting that done before the new year.

So, if this is my last post for 2014, have a great holiday season and I'll see you in 2015!


Monday, December 8, 2014

Thomas Now Completely Rigged!

Hey guys,

So, I finally found some time to finish rigging Thomas' eyes and I can now turn his head and have his eyes follow, as well as target where his eyes are looking.

That means the Thomas model is done (baring some fine tuning that is always discovered during animation).

Speaking of animation.  It's time to start doing a test animation on Thomas and make sure he is good to go.

I have no idea how long that will take since I'm not sure how much time I will have.  This is the most unproductive time of the movie, sadly.

I'll certainly post it when it's done.


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Got Thomas' Shape Keys and Phonemes Done!

Hey everyone!

So, I have Thomas' expressions and speech patterns completed.

I would have turned his head a little but I forgot that I'm not completely done rigging him yet and when I turned his head his eyes didn't follow!

As you can see, that's pretty creepy!

No worries, though. His eyes are the only thing I have left to rig and that won't take very long, but I'm calling it a day so I will get to it later.

Right now, I say he's 99.5% done!

Once complete, I'll do a character test.  Then I have to create T-Boom.

I'll keep you posted.
