Man, I've really been working hard on the Max model but you wouldn't know it based on what I've managed to accomplish...

That's the Max model sitting. The sad part is, that this is the best I've been able to accomplish and I just don't feel like it's good enough. This rigging is really kicking my butt and I truthfully am starting to get discouraged.
What I don't like is how blocky his build looks when I start to pose him. I'm sure I'm missing something, and I have no doubt that in the hands of a better animator this would be a no brainer to fix, but after weeks of working on this I feel as though I'm really spinning my wheels.
I'm about to go on vacation for a couple of weeks and I won't be working on the movie during this time. I'm hoping this is a good thing as it will give me a break from modeling and from my frustration. I hope that when I return I will look upon this model with new, fresh eyes and possibly see what isn't working and how to fix it.
I'll let you know how that goes when I return from my vacation.
I'll talk to you guys after a much needed rest.