The first logo is, of course, Xam’s. I know Xam hasn’t been introduced yet so for those who don’t know him, he is an orange and white cat. His coloration pretty much dictated his colors be green with an orange accent. The trouble with coming up with his logo was trying to capture his superhero identity along with something that indicates speed. Lightning bolts in the shape of an “X” might seem like a no brainer, and in truth it probably is, but for some reason it took me quite a while to come up with a pattern I like. Try it. It’s not easy coming up with an “X” made out of lightning bolts. You gotta tweak it a lot to make it look like both.
Next is the Power Dog logo. As you can see from Gibson’s post below, he is a tan dog with black spots. These colors pretty much meant I could use just about any color I wanted and red, to me, screams strength. I chose black because the shape of the logo comes from the typical cartoon rendering of a heavy weight. You know, the ones that bugs bunny uses that say “1 Ton” on the side or something like that. It also looks like the basic shape of a dog tag and that made it even more proper.
The last logo is the logo for T-Boom. T-Boom is the human antagonist of Xam and Power Dog. He has the power to blow things up using only his mind. All in all, a very cool power but not something that brings immediate logo images to mind. The first thing I thought of was using a word logo but that looked underwhelming and, quite frankly, I couldn’t picture it on the front of a t-shirt. So, instead of spelling “boom” I used the image of an explosion and placed it on top of the “T”. Throw it on a black background (black for evil) and mix in the colors of the orange from Xam’s logo and the red from Power Dog’s logo and you’ve got the logo of the Discrepant Duo’s arch enemy!
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