This was just a quick build, about an hour total, and only took 10 minutes to render. I also am convinced that this is going to be the most realistic I can get with my backgrounds. It isn't at all what I pictured in my mind when I sat down to do this movie but nothing I ever do is as detailed as the visions in my head. I just don't have the computing power to pull it off. I wish I did, but I don't. Like I said before, maybe some day some body will want to re-tell the story of Xam and Power Dog and hopefully I will get to be there as a creative consultant, but that will probably never happen and if I am ever going to get this movie done I need to continue moving forward. The hardest thing to film in movies is animals and children and that's all I have in my movie!
I may look into making the live action look more animated in post production. I will only do this if I don't like the look of the live action against the digital backgrounds and will only be doing it to give the movie visual balance. The truth is that I just won't know until I get to post so this idea is just that, an idea and I don't know if I'm going to do it or not. Feel free to look at some of my previous posts. It's full of idea's that at one time I was seriously considering and now quickly dismiss.
Anyway, enough of that. Here's the pic of Thomas' room.

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