Saturday, March 23, 2013

Comparison Between T-Boom 2 and T-Boom 3!

Hey guys,

I've been feeling bad about the lack of updates during March despite all the work I've been doing.  So, in I was thinking I'd put a quick post up showing in better detail the differences between T-Boom 2 and T-Boom 3.

As you can see, I've removed his sunglasses to give you a better look at his face. 

Where to start?  OK.  The only original mesh to survive the update is his shoes and his sunglasses (not shown in this picture of course).  Honestly, I don't think I could have done those any better than I did in the second update so I kept them.  So, he has a new body, new shorts, new shirt and new hoodie.  His face is the only real noticeable update.  His new face is softer, not quite as pointed and that was the whole point to this update when I started.  Despite him being the bad guy in the movie, I didn't want him looking so surprised or quiet as evil.  There is a reason for not wanting that but you'll have to see the movie to know it.  :)

I also made his head a little smaller.  I've always wanted the characters to have big heads but it occurred to me that Thomas/T-Boom's head was alwas a little too big.

You will also notice his clothes fit tighter.  Again, that was deliberate.  It's easier to animate characters that wear tighter clothes.  I might get away with not needing to bake the clothing.  Baking isn't a big deal, but it slows down the rendering process a little and since this is a long movie all the time rendering starts to add up.

I also changed the stripping on the hoodie.  The brown stripe now flows down from the hood, along the zipper region and across the bottom.  You really can't see the brown stripe along the zipper area so I lightened the brown color and you still couldn't really see in front of the his black shirt.  Still, this is the lightest I wanted to go with the stripe so I left it.  I'm sure you'll see the stripe in the move though.

And that's about it.  All in all, I like T-Boom's update.  I can't wait to see him in the movie.

Now, back to setting up his shape keys.


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