Hey guys!
Well, I know it's been a week since my last update, and that pic in my last post must have looked like I was really coming along, but my how things have changed.
There was a ton of things wrong with that first rig. Some of it was the rigs fault, some was the models fault. How could the model be to blame? Easy. It wasn't modeled in a way that allowed for the bones to move in a believable way. Specifically, the back legs weren't right and that made his legs look strange when bent.
But, after a few quick modifications to the model I was able to correct that problem. The next problem was deleting the rig that went with the old model and creating a new rig.
Thanks to Blender's (the software I use to create the models) "rigify" feature, creating the new rig wasn't a problem. The problem I've been having is tweaking the rig for a quadruped and making everything work.
I won't go into all that is involved when setting up a character rig. There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes and since this is the third time I've started over you can guess that it isn't the easiest thing for a beginner to learn.
But, after a week of working with the rig I think I've finally started learning how some of these things are done. Here is a couple of pics to demonstrate what I've been able to do...

Now, that may look done but there is still so much I have yet to do.
If you look closely, you'll see he's rather expressionless. That's what I have to do next, work on his face muscles. I figure it will be at least another week for me to figure that out.
Of course, I'll keep you posted!