Thursday, December 27, 2012

Holidays Keeping Me Busy!

Hey guys,

Merry Christmas everyone!

The holidays have been keeping me busy but I wanted to drop you all a note.

I haven't been working on any animation.  I really haven't had that kind of time.  I have, however, re-written the short scene with Jimmy, Nathan and Dr. Huffenagle. 

Basically, I wasn't very happy with it and that was becoming more and more obvious to me as I was recording the dialogue for the film.  I had re-worked it a couple of times but even after several draft changes I decided it was better just to scrap the whole thing and start over.  I find that a useful tactic from time to time and since it is only 8 pages long it literally was nothing to start over again.

I don't know how it is for other writers, and I'm not even certain I can count myself in that category, but sometimes I get bound by what is written on the page.  Even if I remove entire sections of something I still feel limited by what comes before and after.  That is when I find it better to start with an empty sheet of paper and start over.

So, I did that, and I have to say I like this script better.  It's funny, because I was still working off the same outline, and a lot of what was there to begin with still exists but I still managed to get something that is way different from what I had originally.  That isn't going to change the animation all that much but there are some differences.

The biggest difference is that Dr. Huffenagle has far fewer lines than he had originally.  That really is OK. He has the same impact and now I think he comes off more mysterious.  Time will tell I guess.

So, that's all that's been happening these last couple of days. 

I'll keep you posted, probably after New Years!

Happy New Years everyone!

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