Monday, December 3, 2012

One Final Test For The Good Doctor!

Hey guys,

I know, it's been a while since my last post.  A post I pretty much thought meant I was at the end of my modeling for the short and marked the point at which I could begin animating the scene.

Well, I was putting some final touches on the Doctor Huffenagle model when I realized there was a problem.  Yes, his trench coat moved beautifully in the wind but when you turned him in a twisting motion at the waist his trench coat passed through is protruding legs!

Now, I know I'm trying to build simple models to in order to do a 10 minute scene to improve my animating "skills" but I guess I really screwed that up by designing a character with a TRENCH COAT!!!

Alright, oh well.  I decided to just remove his trench coat and move on.  There was a small problem with that approach though.  Simply put, I didn't like the way he looked without the trench coat.

So, the trench coat had to stay and I needed to figure this out.  Turns out, the problem wasn't the coat.  I just hadn't baked it right before I animated it. Yes, that wasn't a typo.  You have to bake it.  I really won't go into it, just trust me and look what happens when you do it...

And, as you can see, the coat moves around his legs.

So, now I really, truly, honestly believe I am finished with the good Doctor. 

Oh, also, I changed his trench coat colors.  It used to be dull gray with a red liner.  Now it's brown with a deep, blue liner.  I have to admit, my calling him the good Doctor all this time made me think of the great Doctor, Doctor Who, so I chose to honor the 10th Doctor by giving my doctor his coat.  :)

Now, what's next?  Funnily enough, I know the scene I want to do and I've built the setting and characters to animate it but I don't have a script.

That's right.  I need to write the script for the 10 minute scene.  The good news is that it should be relatively easy.  I already have it mapped out in my head and it doesn't matter if it makes any sense to the viewer since you, the good people who follow my blog, really won't have any context of the scene since you'll just be jumping right in.  All I have to do is type it.

So, I'm off to write it.

I'll let you know when I'm done...

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